Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Obsession of the Moment: Zevia Soda

For those of you who think diet soda is really "Diet" - sister, you are soooo wrong! The body interprets sugar substitutes as sugar. process it as sugar, makes you crave other nasty foods just like sugar does, has a glycemic impact. Splenda, Sweet and Low, Equal , etc - I don't care- they all the same nasty side effects and gross aftertaste - look it up, people. It's science!!
... unless it's Stevia. A herbal supplement recently approved by the FDA for use as a sugar substitute, stevia has been used for a while as a nutritional supplement. It's got a wonderful sweet taste without glycemic impact (so it's not processed by the body as sugar and safe for diabetics). The taste is very similar to sugar without an aftertaste. For those of you who know, the whole "allergic to yeast" deal also means I cannot have sugar (sugar feeds yeast). While I love sparkling water with lemon or lime and tea... it gets a little boring, and I can't deny I have always loved a nice soda to go along with lunch or at least my popcorn habit. And vanilla vodka tastes really good with cola. Deeelish!
My good friend Rebecca H. introduced me to an AH-MAZ-ING discovery: Zevia Soda. All natural, great tasting soda sweetened with stevia and all natural ingredients in Cola, lemon/lime twist, orange, root beer, ginger ale and cherry. I have tried the Cola, twist, orange and ginger ale - all wonderful. Good flavor, just sweet enough and no aftertaste. The only drawback, it's about a $1 a can. But for girls like me who can't have sugar or sugar substitutes, Zevia is WORTH EVERY PENNY! And yes, it tastes wonderfully delicious with vanilla vodka! Pick up a case at Better Health (Detroit, MI), Amazon.com or Zevia.com and request Zevia be carried at your local grocer!


  1. I will definitely have to try this!!

  2. @ The New Black - Let me know how you like it! I love it!! :)
